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Residential Care

Fresh Start currently has numerous Residential Care centres throughout the country. All of these centres are fully registered with the Registration and Inspection Services. They are specifically designed to meet the individual needs of all of the children and young people we care for, i.e. we fit them, and not they fit us.

A little About Us


We at Fresh Start provide innovative and tailored services though our Residential and Therapeutic Services. All of our services incorporate therapeutic assessment frameworks and all of our policies are underpinned with the relative legislative and best practice guidelines. We work in partnership with the Child & Family Agency (TUSLA) in the Republic of Ireland and the Northern Health & Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland, to implement individualised care packages to maximise the outcomes for the children and young people in our care.

Fresh Start Today


Through our dedicated staff group, we continue to provide high quality care to children and young people throughout our services.  With the supervision of our Consultant Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Team, we strive to implement therapeutic and clinical approaches in order to meet the needs of the children and young people we are afforded the opportunity to care for. A highly skilled and experienced staff group is the key to being able to successfully intervene in a positive and creative manner.

Due to the commitment and dedication of our staff group, we have been providing high quality care to children and young people since 2001.

Our Website

Our website is designed to provide you with information on all of the services we offer and we look forward to hearing from you in the future.

We also welcome telephone enquiries to +353(0)87-2127831 or email enquiries to info@freshstart.ie please feel free to contact us!

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