Fresh Start commenced operation in Ireland in 2001 and currently provides residential services in the Leinster and Munster regions. Fresh Start accepts referrals on a national basis from the Child & Family Agency (TUSLA) and also from Northern Ireland. Our services are specifically tailored to meet the individual needs of the children and young people resident with us. Comprehensive placement plans and therapeutic packages are in place for all of the children and young people that we care for.
Fresh Start welcomes a team of people from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds. The company promotes equality and diversity in the workplace. Above all else, Fresh Start wants to provide its Care Teams with support, training, valuable resources and the opportunity to enrich their professional capabilities, in order to deliver the best care for the children, young people and families.
The primary focus of the service since 2001 has been to provide quality, child-led services to the children and young people referred to our service. Due to the ongoing commitment of the Management and Staff of Fresh Start, we are currently one of the largest private providers of childcare services in Ireland, as well as being one of the longest in operation.
Fresh Start aims to provide the highest quality of care for children, young people and families which caters for individual needs, as well as aspirations and, in doing so, delivers a stable, engaging and economic workplace for its employees.